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Monday, April 14, 2014

Guy Wrecks His New BMW M3 Drifting!

You have a hard time remembering the last 100 people that shook you hand, but you remember everything about that one guy that slapped you in your face.-------
 It never ceases to amaze me the low levels that people will stoop to get under your skin. I'm speaking specifically of internet trolls. Since I started the YouTube channel I've dealt with it, and I have learned to ignore it.
 They usually just make themselves look like scum anyway, but I want to put my apologies out there to those of you involved in my last video. You all shouldn't have had to deal with the absolute insanity that followed the posting.
 I tried to get in touch with a few of the sites that reported it, without success, to give them the facts. I even called out one of them at for exaggerating the story.
 I guess the thing to remember next time is not to let the trolls get the best of the situation. They don't want to know the truth, and truthfully they are in the minority. Out of the 150,000 views, there was more support and comments about how he took it in stride, and actually had the cojones to take his car out on the track.

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