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Monday, April 29, 2013

Hemlock Grove Review

This will be short with no spoiler alerts, so those of you looking for them should probably migrate elsewhere. Due to the news of the less than favorable reviews, and the fact that I am generally picky about the shows that I will finish out on Netflix, I thought I would put this out to the readers interested in the series that may have not finished, or watched more than a few episodes. Hemlock Grove is worth the watching. As with many books (I know it is a TV series), there is a lot of buildup to the climax. Everything will be made clear in the end, and the conclusion of the season sets it up for another run very well. It is very well worth watching. It is also important that you watch, because your viewership dictates whether or not another season will come to pass. I give the series a 4.5/5 for the overall quality and recommend that those of you that read this watch it. The transformation scene was particularly pleasing as far as werewolf transformations go.

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