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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Most Interesting Comment in the World

"Thousands of years ago mankind lived in a world of communication-equality. It was one man - one voice. Anyone could spout crap, and anyone who heard him could shoot it down. 

As communication technology progressed, this changed. Writing and printing amplified the voices of the few above those of the many, and communication became more one-directional. The author of a book could not hear the responses of most of its readers.

When radio and television arrived, the situation became extreme. Millions of people could instantly hear the words of those few who had access to and control over these new technological systems, but they could not communicate back, nor with each other.

In the US the situation reached its greatest depth in the 1950s and 1960s, when nearly all knowledge and opinion of current events was controlled by one man, Walter Cronkite. This narrowing of information flow occurred at different times in different places around the world, but in general, the 20th century saw the greatest concentration of communication power in history.

I do not believe it is a coincidence that the 20th century also saw the greatest tyranny, war and bloodshed, and the closest brush with world domination, than any other age. I believe that human culture was simply unprepared for the powerful propaganda machinery that TV and radio made possible, and the political and social folly that even the US found itself afflicted with was a natural result.

But, as technology continued to progress, the trend of ever-narrowing, one-way communication began to reverse itself. Cable TV opened up new news outlets. Cell phones made everyone a photojournalist. And the internet brought into our homes the news and opinions of millions of people, and put us in charge of which ones we see and hear.

In one generation we have moved all the way back to one man - one voice. And the most important effects of this are just starting to be noticed.

No more can government or major media silence the voices of the many for the few. No more can phony consensus be created. No more can truth be shut down while lies are spread in their stead.

The question is: Can we turn out of the downward trajectory that our twisted history has set us on, in time to avoid ruin, as individuals, families, cultures, nations and humanity as a whole."

-Cormac Shea comment on the Huffington Post.

I don't normally share comments I read through my blog, but I really think this person has a very true and eloquent point. It is very true and needs to be shared with the world. I know here is not the place because I'm not a serious blogger or internet personality. I mean hey, I think total my subscriber level for YouTube is only 1300, but I thought it worth sharing. If someone sees this please pass it along because this person deserves to be famous.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

1000 YouTube Subscribers

I just want to take this time to thank everyone who has viewed and supported my YouTube channel over the last year or so. Earlier this week the channel surpassed 1000 subscribers, and late last year it passed 1,000,000 views. I literally couldn't have done it without all your help. Here's to a spectacular 2015.